Async++ unknown
Async (co_await/co_return) code for C++
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asyncpp::promise< void > Member List

This is the complete list of members for asyncpp::promise< void >, including all inherited members.

fulfill() (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >inline
get() const (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >inline
get(std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > timeout) const (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >inline
make_fulfilled() (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >inlinestatic
make_rejected(std::exception_ptr exception) (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >inlinestatic
make_rejected(Args &&... args) (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >inlinestatic
operator co_await() const noexcept (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >inline
operator=(const promise &other)=defaultasyncpp::promise< void >
promise()=defaultasyncpp::promise< void >
promise(const promise &other)=defaultasyncpp::promise< void >
result_type typedef (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >
then(std::function< void()> then_cb, std::function< void(const std::exception_ptr &)> catch_cb) (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >inline
try_fulfill() (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >inline
try_get(std::nothrow_t) const noexcept (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >inline
try_get() const (defined in asyncpp::promise< void >)asyncpp::promise< void >inline