Async++ unknown
Async (co_await/co_return) code for C++
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Casync_generatorGenerator coroutine class supporting co_await
 Casync_launch_scopeHolder class for spawning child tasks. Allows waiting for all of them to finish
 Catomic_refThread safe reference handle
 CchannelChannel for communication between coroutines
 CdeferDefer the current coroutine to a different dispatcher context
 CdispatcherBasic dispatcher interface class
 Cexception_policyException policy for e.g. fire and forget tasks
 CfiberFiber class providing a stackfull coroutine
 Cfiber< void >Fiber class providing a stackfull coroutine with a void return value
 CgeneratorGenerator coroutine class
 Cintrusive_refcountIntrusive refcounting base class
 ClatchDownward counter of type std::size_t which can be used to synchronize coroutines
 Cmulti_consumer_auto_reset_eventSimple auto reset event supporting multiple consumers
 Cmulti_consumer_eventSimple manual reset event supporting multiple consumers
 CmutexA mutex with an asynchronous lock() operation
 Cmutex_lockRAII type to automatically unlock a mutex once it leaves scope
 CpromisePromise type that allows waiting for a result in both synchronous and asynchronous code
 Cpromise< void >Promise type that allows waiting for a result in both synchronous and asynchronous code
 CrefReference count handle
 Cscope_guardExecute a callback function when this scope gets destroyed
 Csignal< void(TParams...), TTraits >
 Csignal_manager< TEventType, void(TParams...), TTraits >
 Csimple_dispatcherA very basic dispatcher that runs in a single thread until manually stopped
 Csingle_consumer_auto_reset_eventSimple auto reset event supporting a single consumer
 Csingle_consumer_eventSimple manual reset event supporting a single consumer
 CtaskGeneric task type
 Cthread_poolA basic thread pool implementation for usage as a dispatcher
 Cthread_safe_refcountThreadsafe refcount policy
 Cthread_unsafe_refcountThread unsafe refcount policy
 Cthreadsafe_queueA threadsafe (mutex protected) queue
 CtimerA dispatcher that provides a way to schedule coroutines based on time